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Documentary: Assignment 5
Assignment 3
Traces of steel
Documentary Assignment 1: Outside looking in...
Landscape 23 : soft light
Landscape: Assignment 5 - Triple Point
Spring symbols
Landscape 35: Polarising Filter
Landscape 32: telephoto - a variety of images
Landscape 30: Near and Far
Landscape 29: Re-photographing
Landscape 26: Shoot the moon
Landscape 22: Sun Position
Landscape 21: Silhouettes and reflections
Landscape 19: Choosing the moment
Landscape 20: Sunstars and diffraction
Landscape 18: Sunrise
Landscape 17: Adding Light
Landscape 16
Landscape 15: Portfolio Preparations
Landscape: Assignment 3
Landscape 13: Throughout the day
Landscape: Assignment 2
Winter symbols
Landscape 12
Autumn symbols
Wild Birds
Landscape 11: The colour of daylight
Not drowning...
Landscape 9: Colour Themes
Landscape 10: Soft Colours
Landscape 8: Perspective
Australia 2012
Landscape 7: Figures in the landscape
Landscape 6: Framing the view differently
Landscape 5: Interacting subjects
Landscape 4: Collage
Landscape 3: Panorama
Landscape 2: Horizontal vs vertical
Landscape 1: The horizon line
Landscape: Assignment 1: Cumbria 2012
Two-lane blacktop
OCA: PnP: Assignment 5
OCA: PnP: Assignment 4: Maryport
OCA: PnP Assignment 3b
Fuerteventura 07 + PnP Ass4 preps
Ibiza 05 + PnP Ass4 preps
OCA: PnP Ex23: Selective processing and prominence
OCA: PnP Ex22: Adjusting the balance
Black and white
OCA: PnP: Assignment 3
OCA: PnP: Assignment 2
OCA: PnP Ex 21: Making Figures Anonymous
OCA: PnP: Ex 12: Close and Involved
OCA PnP: Ex 16: Exploring Function
Switzerland 2011
Naomi's Prom
OCA:PnP:Ex17: The user's point of view
OCA:PnP:Ex18: How space changes with light
365 Project
OCA: PnP: Ex 11: Standing Back
OCA PnP Ex10: Moment and Gesture
OCA PnP: Ex 9: A comfortable situation
OCA: PnP: Assignment 1
OCA PnP: Ex 8: Varying Pose
OCA PnP: Ex 5: Eye Contact and Expression
OCA PnP: Ex4: An Active Portrait
OCA PnP: Ex 3: Lighting
OCA PnP1: Ex 2: Thinking about location
OCA: PnP: Ex1: Scale and setting
Salford Quays
Egypt 2010
OCA DPP1: Exercise 17
Australia 04
OCA DPP1: Ex 3
OCA DPP1: Ex 11
OCA DPP1: Ex 6
OCA PnP: Ex 20: Busy Traffic
OCA PnP: Ex 19: Single Figure Small
Iceland 09
DPP Assignment 5: Hotel Anywhere
Winter Wonderland
High ISO experiments
DPP1: Assignment 4
OCA DPP1: Ex 23
OCA: DPP1 Exercise 22
OCA DPP1: Exercise 21
OCA DPP1: Exercise 20
OCA DPP1: Exercise 19
DPP Assignment 3: Tone Roses
OCA DPP1: Ex 18
OCA DPP1: Exercise 16
DPPAssignment 2
DPP Assignment 1