LOlandeseVolante: A revisited classic.
Nameet: Maze #tw
Lazy_rider: Baby spiders Rua do Relógio
nature55: American Robin
Svjetlost: lets go again.
Jeff Clow: Four Eyes
billtam: Golden Leaves
[phil h]: Avant-première expo Auguste Perret. Barcos em Darque
Missy2004: Follow the Yellow Leaved Road. Cais palafítico em Darque
Terje Håheim (thaheim): Shibas in counterlight #1
Julie70 Joyoflife: Visit Alhambra (63)
Missy2004: The Road to the Forest (47/52/2013)
EssjayNZ: Colourful bokeh Viela da Arrochela
Steve took it: when flowers feel blue
Amelia Collins: IMG_6167
Steve took it: Queen of Light took her bow
Steve took it: Rain, I don't mind
Steve took it: water drop chaos theory
Steve took it: rain drop gardens
Steve took it: extroverts