Nouf bint Abdullah: When GOD shuts a door , he opens a window ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: When passion meets pain .. please don't hurt me again ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: U R NEXT =p
Nouf bint Abdullah: Fill me with your love ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: The last drop of loving u .. can u catch it ?
Nouf bint Abdullah: You'll never break this heart of stone ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: I can smile at the old days ,, Let the memory live again ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: over time ,pictures fade .. & all thats left r these empty frames ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: Don't leave me hanging ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: Who doesn't long for someone to hold , who knows how 2 love u without being told !..
Nouf bint Abdullah: When emotions of others affect decisions in ur life ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: Take me away to a better place .. i just wanna escape ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: I grew up and realized that happiness is a lie , Just wish that I could rewind and face reality ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: I'd spend my hole life loving U <3
Nouf bint Abdullah: Running through memories ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: A view from the plane ..