Nouf bint Abdullah: Hope he lands safely ;p
Nouf bint Abdullah: A view from the plane ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: Lots of space .. Without any spirit ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: Prisoned in the OUTSIDE ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: He's cool !
Nouf bint Abdullah: In love with this thing <3
Nouf bint Abdullah: Memories R just a big fat lying surface of the truth ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: You cut me open & i keep bleeding love ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: Running through memories ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: At each END , A new happy season begins ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: I'm just pretending perfection while flying uncomfortably high ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: إن الشمس و القمر لا يُخسفان لموت أحد و لا لحياته ، و لكنهما آيتان من آيات الله ، فإذا رأيتموهما فصلوا
Nouf bint Abdullah: LEAVE ME ALONE !!
Nouf bint Abdullah: Sometimes , DISTANCE makes u C things better ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: She thinks i'm silly ;p
Nouf bint Abdullah: I'd rather be OLD than FAKE ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: I was blind , not 2 C her N the middle of our fight , Now its over & my love is hers ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: While there's hope , there's life !
Nouf bint Abdullah: U belong HERE .. N the middle of my heart ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: Sometimes U have 2 cross the lines 2 achieve ur goals ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: I really need some vacation =(
Nouf bint Abdullah: U killed me this time </3
Nouf bint Abdullah: Keeping my self busy since u're gone .. Hiding my tears .. Faking smiles ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: We share the same dream in our Magical World ..
Nouf bint Abdullah: I'd spend my hole life loving U <3
Nouf bint Abdullah: سبحان من سبح الرعد باسمه والملائكة من خيفته