patricio villarroel bórquez:
au milieu de nulle part 2431, champêtre
patricio villarroel bórquez:
head 1716
patricio villarroel bórquez:
life scene 3144, la lutte des espèces
patricio villarroel bórquez:
head 1717
patricio villarroel bórquez:
head 1718, sœur de la 1717
Marcel Schreur:
Series "Trust" - in progress (day 2)
Marcel Schreur:
Added blue. I like blue. Blue is good. Next stop....finishing.
The Sea
Marcel Schreur:
Silhouette and hands. A 1932 photograph of Man Ray oiled by Mas.s
Marcel Schreur:
Painting "Trust" - a new journey - in progress - day 1
Marcel Schreur:
'My mind is all over'
Marcel Schreur:
The Lion King
Marcel Schreur:
"Trust" - 'Its a beautiful night'
The Glass Menagerie
philippe conquet:
niv 9
philippe conquet:
niv 10
patricio villarroel bórquez:
abstraction #3316
patricio villarroel bórquez:
au milieu de nulle part 673