ArchiTexty: Cairo, IL National Guard Armory
plasticfootball: Adoptables
GXM.: worker's cottage, 1307 South Talman Avenue
GXM.: St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, 835 North Oakley Boulevard, built 1915
ArchiTexty: We're looking at you...
ArchiTexty: New Haven, CT Yale University - Harkness Tower
ArchiTexty: New Haven, CT Yale University - Center for Language Study
ArchiTexty: New Haven, CT Yale University - Center for Language Study
ArchiTexty: John Hancock
Lynne's Lens: Carousel
★ Closed and out of kilter.
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: La Esquinita Grocery Store (former home of Martinez Food Mart)
GXM.: detail, Osborne & Adams Leather Company building, 209 West Lake Street
ArchiTexty: Findlay, OH Beach Building
ArchiTexty: Findlay, OH Beach Building
GXM.: 800 - 802 North Wells Street
lolololori: Best sign ever
Vanishing STL: Al's Restaurant building in 1876
mgsmith: General Motors
★ In the Medina.
J.G. Park: 16B019B6-0F4E-4E4B-B484-E94E5FAD1F58-961
find myself a city / 1001 Afternoons: living across from the shadow of the Skyway Dog House
stevensiegel260: Alaska 76
CP Johnson: IMG_3748