Cycling the world: Pray no dog fouling
Cycling the world: St Paul's cathedral dome
Cycling the world: Starbucks by St Paul's Occupy camp in London
Cycling the world: Blarney castle
Cycling the world: Gallarus oratory
Cycling the world: Blarney house
Cycling the world: Atlantic view
Cycling the world: Signal tower
Cycling the world: Well done Jim
Cycling the world: Evening falls on Kenmare bay
Cycling the world: Kenmare bar
Cycling the world: From the car
Cycling the world: Stag-like tree
Cycling the world: The lake on Kerry walk
Cycling the world: Mountain view
Cycling the world: Farm land scene
Cycling the world: Sheep in amongst the colours
Cycling the world: Man's hand in the mountain
Cycling the world: Lush country
Cycling the world: Knuckle top
Cycling the world: Sean on the bridge
Cycling the world: Into the valley
Cycling the world: Sean on the mountain edge