curtyr: 2008-10-12 Thorp Perrow_3875
Kevin B Agar: IMG_1152
Kevin B Agar: IMG_9112
Philip Male photography: ** Powder puff **
hboot: Before the sunset
owls4life: Juvanile Sparrow
jonnobird (Catching up after Cyprus): Blyth's Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus Dumetorum)
jonnobird (Catching up after Cyprus): Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
Robert Scott Photography: Storm Concentrates it's Power on One House...
sam-white: Dunnock
wazytiddy: DSC_7368 灰頭鷦鶯 Yellow-Bellied Prinia
Jarl Jair: St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow
Philip Male photography: Who's afraid of ............
Philip Male photography: Forever Autumn
joffathan: the pier
sombraala: Köln - Chocolate Tree Fountain
jurvetson: Bisecting the Moonrise
bison_bill_c: Kiss Me You Fool(Blue Heron)
bison_bill_c: Tinker
BettyBets: IMG_0763
bison_bill_c: Northern Flicker Couple(Female)
Linus Gelber: Trinity
Linus Gelber: Posterity (9/11)
jaguar404: peque II
ajstokes8: Lydia5
In Memoriam: markkilner: Portrait of a Starling
bison_bill_c: American Goldfinch (Male)