michelledh: Had a look around the book shop this afternoon- I love a book shop don't you! The kindle app just isn't the same lol #books #bookstagram #reading #realbooks #thursdaythoughts
Ranger Bob: 20170816_161038
Hillary Clinton: September 26, 2016 - Hempstead, NY.
Frank O Cone: Herons of Double Bluff
PTarkkonen: #sunset #paracliders
CarmenSisson: 082614-Ocean-Springs-Yacht-Club-2
Geoff Livingston: July Sunrise at the Marina
gregweircan: Low tide at Burncoat Head
Ric Seet.: Dedicated To My Grandson Aidan: TLC
FixedOpsGenius: IMG_1141
mysmartpuppy: upload
opie49022: CERT Pics 001
opie49022: My brand New Dual Band UV-5RA Ham Radio
MyResumeBear1: Happy Memorial Day
Vividsaaga - Daniel C: Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life ? - Bible
MySoDotCom: DSC06910
realzil: Photo
MySoDotCom: IMG_9365
uminchu Toru: ナキウサギ
Craig_Arnold: IMG_4396
david sanger: Palm Sky
michaelqtodd: Chinatown in Yokohama, love these lanterns