peppermintrock: tsubaki is 8 years old.
Stewf: Mei Wo Florist (straight on)
Polish Sausage Queen: 4 years old: "not so sick" sick kid hanging out with mom
j l t: 2015-06-12 06.58.32
j l t: dad, relaxing after a martini at the Central Park boathouse
j l t: solo cup princess
Døgen: 8394005145_ae98204302_o
Adam Kuban: Pizza History: The Infamous Lombardi's Photo
j l t: K2011-607 2.26 (3)
Polish Sausage Queen: Happy Thanksgiving #brooklyn style.
emrogo: Family
jericl cat: Pet Cemetery, Catalina Island
Adam Kuban: Precious, Precious Dough
btreat: 1971 21'x10' 7Up UnCola "Visit Un City" vintage billboard poster by Pat Dypold, right side
kjten22: Portraits of Seattle_Stacey Rozich_Artist
mikeyashworth: British Railways, Scottish Region, "Gentlemen" toilet directional sign, c1950
zenorschnitzel: All da beads
jteore: Lighting Store Signage
jonnybunny: baby blocker pill-pak cover
Adam Kuban: The New York Botanical Garden
jase (iilgemini): Delicious
Dania Hurley: Borden's Ice Cream
Gaela: stewf, your mothership has landed
digitalbear: かつてここまで寄れる iPhone 用レンズがあっただろうか。
jmcgrath: Sandwiches
kittykowalski: Hebrew National Clock at Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop_0642.JPG