unkleD: Diminishing point ( converging lines)
unkleD: Gradient
unkleD: Medicine wheel (Wanuskewin)
unkleD: Geese and gulls at sunset
unkleD: Arizona sunrise
unkleD: Calvary at Fort Stockton
unkleD: Spenceville spring pano
unkleD: Spenceville pano with ghosts
unkleD: Jeep Corral
unkleD: Foreboding
unkleD: Canola forever
unkleD: Dark horizon
unkleD: Im the distance (Confederation Bridge) panorama
unkleD: Clouds over canola (panorama)
unkleD: Snakes! (and ridges) in the sand
unkleD: Sinking into the swamp
unkleD: Windmill Pastoral
unkleD: Cornfield pano
unkleD: Unknown soldier #926
unkleD: New York farm country
unkleD: Prince Edward Island view
unkleD: Bog and meadow
unkleD: Michigan eve
unkleD: Pickerel Lake sunset
unkleD: Gull Ave graffiti (Corner of 315th and Gull)
unkleD: Wittenberg view (vanishing point)
unkleD: South Dakota pano
unkleD: Converging on the Badlands
unkleD: Old Montana
unkleD: Beyond the Badlands