Laney G: I love my Granny ❤️❤️
David Schwen: Burger Eclipse
Photo Schmoto: Porch Lightz
FotoosVanRobin: Salmon spread
FotoosVanRobin: Oyster with Kimchi Consommé
Clay Larsen: Work Hard And Be Kind
merlinmann: Meaty.
merlinmann: Ratings Finger
s76fitz: richard hell04 VoidOid - C B G B Theatre, New Years' 77-78 -©s. fitzstephens- 1978- 2006©
s76fitz: richard hell aVoidOid ©s. fitzstephens1978-2008 @ NYU amos poe screening
zawelski: Raja Yoga - You Are A Soul
jfljoe: Pumpkin Burger
mojo621: Radiator Cap
plasmadicattack: Hip Hop Hibernation
diastema: Breakfast
Obie Fernandez: Behold the X
Gwynedd: Broken Halleluiah
Gwyn Michael: hallelujah