danjdavis: Bull Elk - Boxley Valley, Northwest Arkansas
wnkremer1: June Garden Vignette
wnkremer1: Contrasts
Karen @ Wall Flower Studio: Omphalodes Verna in the rock garden
veggiesosage: Stumpery
Fred Ortlip: Winter at the Zoo
tompellettdesigner: A peek into the Stumpery
Duncan Darbishire: Dunnerholme
Rosie Bell: image
JP Newell: Rocamadour
Rosie Bell: image
Stephen Reed: The Stumpery
Rosie Bell: image
roxy'smom2008: DSCF0117
Rosie Bell: image
Joyce in the CactusPatch: Feather dalea and yellow
streetr's_flickr: The Stumpery #1
Mark Wordy: Summer in the Garden
celerycelery: from flower border to horizon via church steeple
westher: Betonie (Stachys officinalis) - Jardins du Prieuré d'Orsan - Maisonnais {juli 2011}
wnkremer1: January Frost
london road: 31 stumpery