Mulch Obliged:
A gaura of things to come
Mulch Obliged:
A bit gaurish
Mulch Obliged:
A host of enemies
Mulch Obliged:
The cock's comb looks like a brain
Mulch Obliged:
Waiting for my turn in the spot light
Mulch Obliged:
Surf and turf
Mulch Obliged:
Comb over
Mulch Obliged:
99 bottles of blue in the fall
Mulch Obliged:
Trashy Mum
Mulch Obliged:
Mum said to take out the trash
Mulch Obliged:
Let the perfect not be the enemy of the gourd.
Mulch Obliged:
Orange you mauvelous!
Mulch Obliged:
Late sun in the stumpery
Mulch Obliged:
Fall blues
Mulch Obliged:
Cyclamen among the ferns
Mulch Obliged:
Best seat
Mulch Obliged:
Going for the gold
Mulch Obliged:
Two amsonia
Mulch Obliged:
Thimbleweed and gourd
Mulch Obliged:
Snapped frond
Mulch Obliged:
Anemones and oakleaf hydrangea
Mulch Obliged:
Christmas comes earlier every year.
Mulch Obliged:
Don't leave yet.