Mulch Obliged: How yellow can you get?
Mulch Obliged: People, people who need purple, are the pluckiest people in the world.
Mulch Obliged: Two that droop
Mulch Obliged: Gossamer wings
Mulch Obliged: Spring feast
Mulch Obliged: Three hellebore blooms
Mulch Obliged: The tallest hellebore so far
Mulch Obliged: Hellebore above the wall
Mulch Obliged: A quickening pace
Mulch Obliged: Irrational exuberance
Mulch Obliged: Pansies and Narcissus admiring Narcissus
Mulch Obliged: Catkins and daffs
Mulch Obliged: Coming in low for the hy
Mulch Obliged: Mascara and lipstick
Mulch Obliged: Spit slid off a daffodil's tips
Mulch Obliged: One that jumped
Mulch Obliged: Some shout while others whisper
Mulch Obliged: Looking toward the light
Mulch Obliged: Whither winter?
Mulch Obliged: Loose lips and sealed lips
Mulch Obliged: Two's company, three's a crowd.
Mulch Obliged: Onlookers
Mulch Obliged: Top of the pops
Mulch Obliged: Lenten rose, Virginia bluebells, and lilac
Mulch Obliged: Lots of ginger
Mulch Obliged: He who daffs last, daffs best.
Mulch Obliged: April is the coolest month
Mulch Obliged: Waiting for the bell to ring
Mulch Obliged: Dwarf lilac in front of sweet abelia
Mulch Obliged: Don't fire until you see the white of their iris