Mulch Obliged:
I call dem as I sedum
Mulch Obliged:
Now you sedum, now you don't.
Mulch Obliged:
Spread the joy
Mulch Obliged:
A flower in the elephant's ear
Mulch Obliged:
Pride cometh before the fall.
Mulch Obliged:
I look to the hills from whence cometh my strength.
Mulch Obliged:
Parting the red sedum
Mulch Obliged:
Stonecrop and a crop of stones
Mulch Obliged:
Orb weaver
Mulch Obliged:
Pansies, peppers, petunias, and perovska
Mulch Obliged:
Basket case
Mulch Obliged:
Cabbage claim
Mulch Obliged:
A chrys from an anemone
Mulch Obliged:
A true gentian always uses his fork.
Mulch Obliged:
Jonah in the whale
Mulch Obliged:
A perfect gentian
Mulch Obliged:
The fall of my anemones
Mulch Obliged:
The water pump
Mulch Obliged:
The light within
Mulch Obliged:
Roy G. Biv
Mulch Obliged:
Opposite sides of the wheel
Mulch Obliged:
Rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic
Mulch Obliged:
Turkeys on the tricycle
Mulch Obliged:
Comb closer
Mulch Obliged:
Orange is the new black
Mulch Obliged:
The setting sun peaks beneath the cloud blanket.
Mulch Obliged:
Cyclamen through the rootwad
Mulch Obliged:
Pumpkins in the stumpery
Mulch Obliged:
The smart money's on the little fella.
Mulch Obliged:
Falling in love again