nolehace: Beaucarnea recurvat, aka ponytail palm flower spike, 1st bloom 8-19*
nolehace: a series: to zuckerberg & back; flower
nolehace: Aechmea fasciata in the back bedroom
nolehace: Gymnocalycium baldianum cactus, 1st bloom post-acquisition 7-08*
nolehace: Gymnocalycium baldianum cactus
nolehace: Leonotis leonurus in the garden 8-19
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #2]
nolehace: Pelargonium Bird Dancer 5-19
nolehace: a series: to zuckerberg & back; bird of paradise flower
nolehace: Cleistocactus brookeae ssp. vulpis cauda
nolehace: Spathiphyllum in the indoor porch 5-19
nolehace: "Orchids of the Enchanted Forest" show & sale, bizarre Begonia leaves 2-19
nolehace: zuckerberg walk, flower
nolehace: zuckerberg walk, coleus plant
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden 7-19
nolehace: the Cleistocactus brookea ssp. vulpis cauda i gave the downstairs neighbor is doing well 8-19*
nolehace: 2019 orchids in the park, sfos show & sale, Myrmecodia platytyrea var. antonii, native to mossman gorge in queensland, au 7-19*
nolehace: Ardisia eliptica, a gifted plant, 1st bloom 7-19
nolehace: zuckerberg walk, coleus plant
nolehace: was easily 12 feet tall, pruned Leonotis leonurus in the garden 10-19*
nolehace: Schlumbergera Unknown [Officer] 11-19*
nolehace: Schlumbergera
nolehace: Tillandsia pringlei in spike
nolehace: ponytail palm, Beaucarnea recurvata spike blooming indoor 7-19*
nolehace: hydrangea flower
nolehace: Tillandsia brachycaulos
nolehace: Salvia microphylla 'Hot Lips' & statue in the garden
nolehace: Tillandsia secunda spike pups after 1st bloom 10-19*
nolehace: kitchen window
nolehace: Epiphyllum David's Golden Splendor