nolehace: Neoporteria wagenknechtii cactus
nolehace: a series: to zuckerberg & back; bear's breeches flower
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden
nolehace: Beaucarnea recurvata, the ponytail palm flower spike blooming indoors 8-19*
nolehace: camellia in the garden
nolehace: Rhipsalis occidentalis
nolehace: walking to best buy, flower
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden 5-19
nolehace: zonal Pelargonium x hortorum in the garden 7-19
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Raybin #3]
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden 8-19
nolehace: "Orchids of the Enchanted Forest" show & sale, Bromeliad at tne poe 2-19
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden 8-19
nolehace: Leonotis leonurus in the garden 8-19
nolehace: dahlia in golden gate park
nolehace: fuchsia in the garden
nolehace: morning glory next door 11-19
nolehace: garden / patio / yard 6-19
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [Original] in the garden 5-19*
nolehace: Epiphyllum Unknown [ div. of Original]
nolehace: Tillandsia bergeri
nolehace: Tillandsia umbellata
nolehace: Schlumbergera Unknown [Officer]
nolehace: zuckerberg walk, bougainvillea flower
nolehace: a series: to zuckerberg & back; bird of paradise flower
nolehace: a series: to zuckerberg & back; succulent plant
nolehace: "Orchids of the Enchanted Forest" show & sale, plant at the poe 2-19
nolehace: Beaucarnea recurvata; aka the ponytail palm, flower spike blooming indoors, 1st bloom 8-19*
nolehace: 2019 orchids in the park, sfos show & sale, Rhododendron flower 7-19*
nolehace: magnolia tree in the garden