thebadastronomer: Saturn!
jonathanmccabe: 20110402a
nervous system: please favorite! - Bowie has landed on planet Nervous System
nervous system: hyphae - growth diagram in 2D
mi ha: Negative Space 4
mi ha: Reaction-diffusion cube
mtchl: disc_315
BERG Studio: light painting the city with Matt Jones
toxi: toxi.test.BezierPatchTest003
Swamibu: Geometry at the National Mosque
carlybird: smoky quartz 2
nervous system: venation pattern - multiple roots
nervous system: 6 tea towels
nervous system: multiple growths
Andres Tellez: Ice-Ray Lattice - Pattern 2
Andres Tellez: Ice-Ray Lattice - Pattern 1
subblue: Astrophyton darwinium 3
Quasimondo: Collagenerator Sneak Preview
AisleOne: Graphic Design Manual: Principles and Practice
jonathanmccabe: msctp_222
nervous system: ring prototypes in sterling silver
jedw.40cat: BUBBLES
Quasimondo: Subdivision pixelblender6_letras
Surfactant: Amaea immaculata
Surfactant: Argonauta hians
Stinging Eyes: Dev ID Pattern