Owen Schaefer: Sinister
Owen Schaefer: Scene in Blue
Owen Schaefer: In the Clear
Owen Schaefer: This Happened
Owen Schaefer: Just a nibble
Owen Schaefer: Cornered
Owen Schaefer: In Profile
Owen Schaefer: Good evening. We're here for your daughter's wedding.
Owen Schaefer: Live Capture
Owen Schaefer: A Folk Tale
Owen Schaefer: End on End :: fifty-two of fifty-two (Woot!)
Owen Schaefer: Pick A Hand :: fifty-one of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Self-Portrait as a Couple :: fifty of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Portrait of a Self-Portrait :: forty-nine of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Road Closed :: forty-eight of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Landscape | Portrait :: forty-seven of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Variations on a Still Life 3 :: forty-six of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: In the Gyre :: forty-five of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Just a Shadow :: forty-four of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Lead Me :: forty-three of fifty-two
Owen Schaefer: Catharsis :: forty-two of fifty-two