Dirk Dallas: Hey y'all, I recently started posting DSLR pictures on my blog & I just posted some from this L.A. River trip on it. If you care to check 'em out you can visit dirkdallas.tumblr.com
dibzy27: Testing one two 1,2
Stephen Estes: The Carmageddon Plank - July 17th, 2011
jclutter: teefs.
rent-a-moose: lavagna_papa
ryan schude: Tarren Johnson
lauren {elycerose}: up close and personal
rent-a-moose: halloween
BombDog: The Illustrative Man
Boxer Cup: BMW R100S
rent-a-moose: mud2
Bernie Condon: Motorcycle racing
Dobie dog: stella at the river
Balakov: Tennis Girl
jclutter: travelers