NKSwampie: Common Newt Tadpole 1
NKSwampie: Common Newt Tadpole 2
NKSwampie: Common Newt Tadpole 3
NKSwampie: Leech
NKSwampie: Snails
NKSwampie: A Snail samba
NKSwampie: Water forget-me-not
NKSwampie: Signs of a Thrush's anvil
NKSwampie: The wild part of the school grounds
NKSwampie: The meadow area
NKSwampie: Beech and Willow hedge
NKSwampie: Wild flowers and compost heaps!
NKSwampie: The allotments
NKSwampie: Mature trees
NKSwampie: Cinnabar caterpillar on ragwort
NKSwampie: Common spotted orchid
NKSwampie: There is a pond in there somewhere!
NKSwampie: The bridge needs replacing . . .
NKSwampie: ~The pond and bog garden