jaytee27: Red-mantled Dragonlet (m) - Erythrodiplax fervida
jaytee27: Squirrel cuckoo - Piaya cayana
jaytee27: Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper - Xiphorhynchus pardalotus
jaytee27: Yellow-chinned Spinetail - Certhiaxis cinnamomeus
jaytee27: White Spider Lily - Lycoris Albiflora
jaytee27: Slender Groundhopper - Tetrix subulata
jaytee27: Spider wasp - Pompilidae.
jaytee27: Moth - Calonotos metallicus
jaytee27: Bartolome Island - Galapagos
jaytee27: YES !!! this is me, having a well earned rest on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos..{Endemic}
jaytee27: The Quito Metropolitan Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral located on the southwestern side of the Plaza de la Independencia (La Plaza Grande)
Birding and Photography: Taj Mahal, Agra
jaytee27: Lava (aka Galapagos Heron) - Butorides sundevalli
jaytee27: Nazca Booby - Sula granti
jaytee27: Swallow-tailed Gull - Creagrus furcatus
jaytee27: Yellow Warbler (m) - Dendroica petechia
jaytee27: Blue-footed Booby - Sula neboxii . ( Sometimes i found the larva rock formations just as interesting as the wildlife.)
jaytee27: Darwin's cotton flower - Gossypium darwinii (endemic)
jaytee27: Yellow cordia - Cordia lutea
jaytee27: Land Iguana - Conolophus subcristatus
jaytee27: Lava Cactus - Brachycereus nesioticus
jaytee27: Dry Landing from a "Panga" onto a Galapagos island
jaytee27: Galapagos Penguin - Spheniscus mendiculus
Carlos. B: Parnassius y Macaón
jaytee27: Espanola Island....One of the best beaches of the Galapagos Islands, but nobody visits here to sunbathe. Just snorkelers and walkers as the wildlife is far more exciting!!
jaytee27: American Oystercatcher - Haematopus palliatus
jaytee27: Española lava lizard - Microlophus delanonis (m)
Ian-Tracy: Kruger 2022 (1548)
Ian-Tracy: Kruger 2022 (1724)