njmatsuya: So close and yet so far? Saw these 2 people while walking back to the office from lunch and had to stop and take a quick photo. Feel like there's a social commentary quote somewhere here.. but I'm not very good at that :p #BW #Blackandwhite #Tokyo #Jap
njmatsuya: Was out yesterday with a friend visiting #Tokyo for the #sakura - not quite peak season for the #cherryblossoms but getting close! #ShinjukuGyoen #Japan
njmatsuya: Got the chance to check out the exhibition of the master of #Awaodori himself, @jasonarney A very lovely selection of images are on display at the #FujiFilmGallery in #Ginza , do drop by and take a look if you're in the area! More details: http://www.j
njmatsuya: Feels like it's been getting busier towards year end rather than getting quieter... This was taken a few weeks back at... I want to say Lake Towada? I'm horrible at remembering the names of places I visit... #Japan #Aomori #Reflections #Nature #Autumnco
njmatsuya: It really was a perfect day for a run. #RunForTheCure #rftc #Tokyo #Japan #HibiyaPark #BCA #BreastCancerAwareness
njmatsuya: A quietly confident #Awaodori #drummer #Japan #Streetperformance #Kitamachi #BW #Blackandwhite
njmatsuya: A splash of autumn color. #Japan #Akita #Aomori #FallColors #Nature
njmatsuya: Another roadside shot, angle a bit awkward but still thought it was pretty :) And... #TGIF ! #Akita #Aomori #Japan #FallColors #Nature #Waterfall
njmatsuya: Kind of awesome to see a kid showing this kind of energy and spirit - I was way more laid back when I was her age (^^; #Awaodori #Kitamachi #Japan #Streetperformance #BlackandWhite #BW #Dance
njmatsuya: Sometimes you come across really pretty shots in unexpected places - like the side of a road! (^^; #Akita #Aomori #Nature #Stream #Japan #FallColors
njmatsuya: Went shooting a couple weeks ago over a Sat/Sun with the usual suspects - fall colors hadn't yet hit their peak but still got a few shots I was happy with. More than that, it was good to be able to get away, even just for a weekend - it's been a while!
njmatsuya: #Awaodori #Kitamachi #Japan #KidsGotRhythm
njmatsuya: In my sleep-addled state I posted a picture by mister Arney that I'd used as editing reference for the #Kitamachi shoot a while back.. :( This image I'm 86.2% sure it's probably, maybe, likely, perhaps mine.. (>_<) #Awaodori #Japan #Streetperformance
njmatsuya: #Prepping for the show Been a while since my last post, been busier at work with longer hours, and just didn't have the energy to process my pictures lately. But señor Arney pointed out recently that I can surely find 5 minutes a day for this so.. gonna
njmatsuya: A young butterfly #dancer #Awaodori #Japan #Tokyo #Koenji #BW #Streetperformance
njmatsuya: Taking center stage. #Awaodori #Japan #Streetperformance #Dance
njmatsuya: #Hokkamuri #ほっかむり #Awaodori #Japan #Koenji #Streetperformance
njmatsuya: #StandUpPlease #Awaodori #Koenji #Japan #Tokyo #Streetperformance #Dance
njmatsuya: Can't believe the week is already over.. Didn't even have time to think of posting, just been a really busy week at work (And no, not because of Pokémon Go... It's not even out in #Japan yet) #Awaodori #Tokyo #Koenji #HappyFriday
njmatsuya: #Tokyo looks like a circuit board when looking down from the #SkyTree at night. Perhaps more importantly... One has to wonder how many #pokemon will be scampering around down there when #PokemonGo is finally released in #Japan o(^▽^)o #Cityviews #Citys
njmatsuya: Jumping for joy because it's #Friday ? Super late post today because it was a busy morning but #HappyFriday y'all. #Tokyo #Japan #Awaodori #Koenji #Streetperformance #Dance
njmatsuya: He's got the moves and he knows it. #Awaodori #Koenji #Japan #Streetperformance #Dance
njmatsuya: A line unbroken. #Awaodori #Japan #Streetperformance #Line
njmatsuya: Not a happy Monday at work so far, and it is ridiculously hot, but #GoodMorning from #Tokyo anyway! #Japan #Awaodori #Dance #Streetperformance
njmatsuya: It's #Friday ! He looks as happy as I feel about it. #Awaodori #Japan #Streetperformance #Tokyo #Koenji #阿波踊り
njmatsuya: There's generally always someone leading at the front carrying their "ren's" name on a paper lantern - not sure what this person is called though.. #Awaodori #Japan #Streetperformance #Dance #阿波踊り
njmatsuya: These guys have way more #energy than I do this Wednesday morning! #Awaodori #Japan #Streetperformance #Tokyo #Koenji
njmatsuya: Not-so-mini #awaodori #dancer #Japan #Tokyo #Streetperformance
njmatsuya: Mini #awaodori #dancer #Japan #Tokyo #Koenji
njmatsuya: Have a good Friday everyone. #TGIF #Awaodori #Streetperformance #HappyFriday