nizger: Bicycle maintenance is a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it. I've been restoring a mountainbike for the last couple of weeks so the workshop looks a little like bicycle shop - but as much is I enjoy working on bicycles I also like to have en workbench t
nizger: "Dad my BMX makes a strange sound" - Turns out it came from the front axle having way to much play. After a bit of fighting entropy it runs fairly smooth again #dadlife #tools #imake #bicycle #repair #makersgonnafix #BMX #bicyclrepairman
nizger: The finished charging station mounted on the wall and loaded up with the essentials. The top is slanted 30 degrees for easier access as it hangs quite high. I made it so deep that I can leave bitholders in the machines. I’m quite pleased with the last com
nizger: My cordless drill/drivers and chargers are taking up to much room on the workbench so it’s time to make a charging station. I want to mount it fairly high on the wall to optimize space usage. So it needs a slanted top, but how much slant is needed? A card
nizger: Creepers gonna creep. It’s that time of year again. #halloween #makersgonnamake #halloweencostume #imake #cardboard
nizger: My new dust collection tower is now operational. By stacking it, I can keep the footprint down to 45x45 cm (not counting the hose). #woodworking #imake #dustcollection #makersgonnamake #tools #workshop
nizger: The first project of the new lathe was a custom croquet club. The head is made from the leg from a broken garden table, I think it’s teak. #imake #makersgonnamake #woodworking #woodturning #upcycling
nizger: Nocturnal clouds at summer equinox.
nizger: Just your basic Interphone 10 Way #type31 #hmsbelfast #pushallthebuttons
nizger: Finished my new compact lumber cart - well materials cart. Together with the lumber rack behind it my materials storage is pretty much sorted out and that corner of the new workshop is all organized. #imake #workshop #makersgonnamake #organizeAllTheScraps
nizger: Improvise, adapt, overcome. Bicycle inner tube and a hose clamp is a universal adaptor for connecting a shop vac to a power tool dust port. #workshop #imake #solvealltheproblems #macgyver #makersgonnamake #tools #sawdust
nizger: Survival priority one. Coffee.
nizger: In a small workshop creative storage solutions makes a big difference. #useAllTheSpace #imake #makersgonnamake #workshop #storage
nizger: Solving problems 0.2mm at a time. I need to split a vacuum hose into 3 hoses to get dust extraction on my miter saw. #imake #makersgonnamake #tools #3dprinting #buildwhatyouneed #woodworking
nizger: Latest and last project to come out of the workshop before it’s moved. We needed a small desk to fit in a specific place, and couldn’t find one that fit. Which is a obvious excuse for custom building one. The table top is Douglas fir treated with a couple
nizger: Gave this old table a new top again. It’s the third top it’s had so far. This time is reclaimed wood from another table that was discarded. I’m not sure about the species, possibly teak. All we need now is spring. #imake #woodworking #makersgonnamake #reu
nizger: Something something clamps. I need to move my workshop to a smaller space. To fit everything in there I making some overhead storage. This is an attempt to make a laminated beam that can span around 2.5 meters and carry some load without deforming to much
nizger: 2 doors down. Next up making tool holders for the main cabinet. I can’t quite decide whether to leave the inside unpainted or not. Outside is light gray. #tools #imake #shoporganization #makersgonnamake #alwaysbeknolling #workshop #almostabandname #punint
nizger: Winter evenings...
nizger: “Sure I need all these hammers, I mean just look at them, they’re all different sizes and shapes” How many does it take to make a collection? And what is the threshold for a collection turning into an obsession? :) #tools #workshop #canttouchthis #hammert
nizger: Bit by bit I’ll get them all sorted. #tools #workshop #bits #shoporganization #alwaysbeknolling
nizger: Final dress rehearsel for tomorrow evening. #halloween #halloweencostume #makersgonnamake #imake #propmaking #starwars #utinni #jawa #tatooine
nizger: Finished Jawa blaster. #propmaking #woodworking #halloweencostume #imake #makersgonnamake #hotglueandspraypaint
nizger: More Halloween costume work🎃. If the force is strong with you, then you can already guess what the costume is. #imake #workshop #halloween #halloweencostume #makersgonnamake #woodworking #propmaking #aboxoframdomstuffisveryimportant
nizger: Halloween is coming up, so it’s costume time. #imake #halloween #makersgonnamake #dremel
nizger: Another detail shot from my latest project. #makersgonnamake #electronics #imake #3dprinting #metalworking #workshop #tools
nizger: I’m nearing the end of a very long project. Here is a teaser shot #imake #makersgonnamake #electronics #soldering
nizger: When life hands you broken backpack chest strap parts make replacements. It took 5 revisions before I had a good fit. But with a print time of 10 minutes prototyping was very fast. #imake #makersgonnamake #iterativedesign #3dprinting #makersgonnafix #dont
nizger: Blue permanent marker is my quick and cheap substitute for machinists blue. Cutting some multiturn pots down so the knobs fit better. #tools #imake #electronics #makersgonnamake #lifehack #shoptip #workshop
nizger: I’ve had good used tool karma recently. And this is what I’ve come across this summer so far. Price is low, quality high, and the tools come prepatinated. All they need is a little cleaning and oil. Well all right sometimes the need a lot of cleaning and