irregular expressions:
Beaded black necklace with crochet flowers and glass seed beads by irregularexpressions
Visión Propia:
pedro aznar # 007
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 10 of "A Floral Fantasy in an Old English Garden. Set forth in verses & coloured designs"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 6 of "The Illustrated Language of Flowers Birthday Book, compiled and designed by F. E. D"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 6 of "Bush Flowers from Australia. By a daughter of the soil, author of 'Woman's Worth.'"
The British Library:
British Library digitised image from page 28 of "The Poetical Works of Erasmus Darwin ... Containing the Botanic Garden ... and the Temple of Nature. With philosophical notes and plates"
MaGu Joyas y Accesorios:
Collar Cueritos Glam #cueritosglam #collar #colgante #madeinvzla_ #venezuelacreativa #vitrinahechoenvenezuela #hechoentricolor #modachic #yousodiseñovenezolano #apoyoaldiseñovenezolano #closetcriollo #designersvenezuela #mmodavenezuela #magujoyas #moda #b
irregular expressions:
beaded freeform crochet necklace - statement necklace with orange, red, magenta pink, teal blue and green seed beads and crochet flowers by irregularexpressions
MaGu Joyas y Accesorios:
Collar. #collar #colgante #madeinvzla_ #venezuelacreativa #vitrinahechoenvenezuela #hechoentricolor #modachic #yousodiseñovenezolano #apoyoaldiseñovenezolano #closetcriollo #designersvenezuela #mmodavenezuela #magujoyas #moda #bibnecklace #necklace #max
MaGu Joyas y Accesorios:
Cueritos Glam. Collar. #cueritosglam #collar #colgante #madeinvzla_ #venezuelacreativa #vitrinahechoenvenezuela #hechoentricolor #modachic #yousodiseñovenezolano #apoyoaldiseñovenezolano #closetcriollo #designersvenezuela #mmodavenezuela #bibnecklace #
MaGu Joyas y Accesorios:
Collar #collar #handmade #hechoamano #hechoenvzla #talentovenezolano #designersvenezuela #moda #madeinvzla_ #bohochic #mmodavenezuela #vitrinahechoenvenezuela #hechoentricolor #modachic #hechoentricolor #accesories #moda #magujoyas
La Loca Sin Zapatos:
#DametuDato Machu Pichu
Marley C. Cumbee:
woolly fabulous:
Working with turquoise and magenta
the madeleine bag
Gems and Flutterbys Jewellery:
Bracelet - Orange Amber (1)
woolly fabulous:
A pretty posy
Fleurs Mostacillas:
Power Flower!
Artesanale artes:
Lixeira carro
anna cenacchi:
Macramè con perle veneziane
Glen Bruzual:
Bright Wish Kanzashi:
Mystery. Black Kanzashi: lolita collection.