Gladys Klip: Visarend / Osprey / Balbuzard
SOVA5: entrance hall
tommyajohansson: Cracking
Maerten Prins: Open the windows!
Dan Wiklund: Hong Kong patterns
Cornelli2010: Cascade Facade [Explored #253]
nj dodge: square takes the square
horlo: façades du Vieux Lyon
Hrebi: Facade in the sun
Barbara J H: Building Façade.
GAPHIKER: Metamorphosis - Thinking in Abstract Terms
veryvinita: There's a pattern here {Explored}
Nikos Niotis: La Face Arrière (Backpage)
Gianluca Moratti - guinness: Grado pineta sunset
su_toshi: HOKI MUSEUM
Antonio Carrillo (Ancalop): Moon night [EXPLORE #35]
Antonio Carrillo (Ancalop): Warm sea [Explore #3] Front page
skarabokki: pig_004
francesco_p: Relapse