31lucass shots: DSC01308
31lucass shots: DSC01806
31lucass shots: IMG_0014
31lucass shots: DSC09012
31lucass shots: 燒老味師傅
31lucass shots: DSC09179
31lucass shots: hawker singapore
ashleemdunlap: wind pt 2
ashleemdunlap: evening
ashleemdunlap: reflect
EspressoBuzz: Belair Instant back gaffer taped onto a Mamiya Universal
strange_hair: urban_1140385
Jay Tilston: Four bargain prerecorded MiniDiscs
Katrin Ray: Miniature Life Around Miniature Toy-ronto
Kerri's Photos: Family Rules. Found this sign at the general store at the lake for a ridicules amount of money so I may make my own to hang on the side of Emmie's cabin facing our trailer.