nikkigunn: ain't nothing green about this lunch
nikkigunn: what is that loud tractor noise outside my window? Oh yeah, just a huge blimp doing a top gun style fly by!
nikkigunn: for molly--thank you!
nikkigunn: agent moulder got tripped up on a wire and fell face down into what looks like an enormous bowl of cocaine
nikkigunn: some of the SUPER weird lola doll creations from the party
nikkigunn: yesterday's pink sunset
nikkigunn: greaaaat
nikkigunn: Convertible Muni!
nikkigunn: not sure i would want my wasted basket to have holes in it.
nikkigunn: Obama party in the street
nikkigunn: moo!
nikkigunn: Obama Baby!
nikkigunn: Eric makes friends with snake
nikkigunn: yummy little guys
nikkigunn: sugar peas (?)
nikkigunn: Green Gulch in bloom
nikkigunn: Edgar Allen Poe's House
nikkigunn: one for you and one for me
nikkigunn: yay, poppies
nikkigunn: big purple thing
nikkigunn: the lettuces are coming!
nikkigunn: strawberry harvest
nikkigunn: santa's off-season gig
nikkigunn: facing my avatar
nikkigunn: peach pie mess
nikkigunn: our walk through rye, england
nikkigunn: Eric at the civic garden
nikkigunn: Courtney looking fabulous in fur
nikkigunn: jacob and robbyn
nikkigunn: trees intertwined