Tony Capece: Sandy Utah
Weeman76: Concrete Patterns, South Wales
Powerofmaking: hand made canoe - song of the paddle
BoneLust: Super Macro American Green Tree Frog - Hyla cinerea - at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens, Gainesville, FL
joeyjoe1: Paper Wasp
rozdesign: paper wasps
Matthew Fells: Stunned paper wasp
snapify: Paper Wasp In Flight
NaturalLight: Dark Paper Wasp
Andrey Ermakov: Wasp - 2.6
Don Van Dyke: Paper Wasp
Edward Mistarka: Paper Wasp and Yellow Jacket
Coder: Wasp Gathering Paper
J Centavo: Tarantula Hawk with her victim
Melanie Eliades: I knew those Yoga classes would come in handy....
Thai pix Wildlife photography,,: Colourful Paper Wasp,,
Melanie Eliades: *Sugar Baby*
Goshzilla - Dann: European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) ♀Dominant
Lionhearted_: Cool Blue In The Morning Mist ©
Edward Mistarka: Paper Wasp and Turtlehead flower
John_X: Green-Eyed Lady
Kurt ( Parapolybia varia (IMG_8463 copy)
liewwk - 11.2 Wasp ... it looking at me lol