Deb Clements: Feather
StrengthFromAbove!: IMG_54751 copy
RobertsNL: a postcard from Istanbul
jancam25: After the Rain....
RobertsNL: blooming
krissy's playground: Ryder's Birthday Weekend
krissy's playground: Ryder's Birthday Weekend
emtbkim: IMG_0806
JRIDLEY1: You Cannot Fly Like An Hawk With The Wings Of A Wren!!
psmphotography: Ironwork
Beckie Fitzgerald: "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases." Lamentations 3:22
JRIDLEY1: The Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
JRIDLEY1: Sandhill Crane Pointing!!
psmphotography: Ulua Beach #2
ChicaD58: The City of Dove
JRIDLEY1: Me First!!!
Beckie Fitzgerald: "Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" Matthew 6:26 {EXPLORED}
psmphotography: Wood Stork in B&W
ChicaD58: Great Horned Owl - AKA Mr Difficult
psmphotography: Wild Hawaiian Ginger
JRIDLEY1: I Am Exploring!!!
Lake Effect: Cold Thursday
ChicaD58: Snack Time
ChicaD58: ~ Bobcat Bathtime ~
RobertsNL: paper angels
Lake Effect: Kamm's Island Winter
katpor1953: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Me
rubey_kay: Warm and Fuzzy
GeoWombats: Whirlybird on the roof
monika & manfred: Nutcracker