Cocobunny: sunset
cheesegod: Internet!
Mini D: Telephone Wires
Glassholic: computer 2
jepoirrier: Inside a broadband router (blueish general view)
patersor: You are connected...
Bushman.K: "Modem handshake"
rapapu: leds
rapapu: mas leds
davidsilver: USF seed library #2
kenteegardin: Go To Jail
sgt. pfeffer: Ryoji Ikeda @ HEK Basel
HorsePunchKid: Ryoji Ikeda: Datamatics
hsingy: mesmerized by numbers
escdotdot: Ikeda Ryoji
Tom Raftery: Server room with grass!
zeevveez: Dislike Graffiti
sheandaru: I take it back: a fourth inspection sticker was found! Many thanks to inspectors number 36, 49, 56, and 40 for my magical new underpants.
edrugsearch: Tour of Consumer Reports labs
yuzu: information
jamesjustin: Information | Tokyo International Forum
Ame Otoko: Information Please
Matt From London: Parliamentary Archives
Ana Castro: Information
Metropol 21: Information Desk, Tokyo
*Tom*: Railway information fault
Telstar Logistics: Information Gladly Given But Safety Requires Avoiding Unnecessary Conversation
pjern: Information Central
10b travelling (sorry: glitch, so resubmitting): Peruvian Quipu - a knotted mathematical mystery [bc0025]
aurelio.asiain: Even deities read about our entertainers