niftyc: Broken window (one of many)
niftyc: Rotten porch
niftyc: Roof in poor condition -- what are these square things?
niftyc: Wobbly 150 year old floorboards
niftyc: All water and sewer connections are in this addition
niftyc: Cracks near chimney
niftyc: Cracks near chimney with water damage
niftyc: Stairs have problems
niftyc: Sort of kitchen
niftyc: Basement support (one of many)
niftyc: Sump pump
niftyc: Breaker boxes
niftyc: Wallpaper issues
niftyc: What is this?
niftyc: Front door
niftyc: Rotting fence
niftyc: Pipes
niftyc: Insulation crumbs
niftyc: Why is this here?
niftyc: No floor!
niftyc: No floor!
niftyc: Split bannister
niftyc: Water damage 2 nd floor
niftyc: Back porch
niftyc: Dead trees
niftyc: Chandelier
niftyc: Fixture
niftyc: We call this 'the Pioneer'
niftyc: Fixture
niftyc: Why is there a sprinkler system in the basement?