丷喧嚣丷No.7: 丽江&泸沽湖-20140628-507
Meiguoxing: Mt. Namcha Barwa - The Most Beautiful Mountain in China 中国最美的雪山 - 南迦巴瓦峰
Meiguoxing: Mt. Namche Barwa - The Most Beautiful Mountain in China 中国最美的山峰 - 南迦巴瓦峰
+Lanzi: Nyingchi | Mount Namjagbarwa
zhouyousifang: 西藏拉萨布达拉宫
zhouyousifang: 拉萨大昭寺(八廓街)
MelindaChan ^..^: Sutra streamer 五色經幡
Ha-r-bin: Sutras in the sky 漫天飛幡
leon5842: Prayer flags (經幡, 風馬旗)
QueenNomad: 經幡
Cesar Catalan: Lhasa de noche. ལྷ་ས་ 拉薩 拉萨 . Tibet
fangyang 影像: 西藏男童
Eternal-Ray: 20130919-西藏DAY8-04_副本
Mr.White@66: Ramaria formosa ?
yako ma: cosmos
悟空™: 纳木错的清晨
noeltykay: Fujifilm X-T1 Light Leak Fixed
Demis de Haan: Hongkong
Thomas Shore: The Sunset Tree
Waynele: 高手
seriesofclicks: Salvation Mountain (Grounds)
seriesofclicks: The Last Bookstore
H Hollström: Frozen Veins
seriesofclicks: 4T4C7454
seriesofclicks: WARNING: FUJI PORN
Potemkin666: #2372 X-T1 + NOKTON classic 40mm
dvd3141: Chengdu morning HDR 1