Nicote: Paloma
Nicote: Gulls
Nicote: Blue Bird
Nicote: Angry
Nicote: He
Nicote: Bullshit
Nicote: Paralysed
Nicote: Mister Frog Is Dead
Nicote: Curiosity did not kill the goat
Nicote: Curiosity could have killed the goat
Nicote: Dizzy Miss Lizzie
Nicote: Liz
Nicote: Dog-Days
Nicote: Dry
Nicote: Großmutter
Nicote: Scared
Nicote: Oh, I believe The Climate Has Changed...
Nicote: Mariposa
Nicote: Pretend To Be Dead
Nicote: Straycat
Nicote: morgends | mittags | abends
Nicote: Traumatized???
Nicote: Thirsty
Nicote: Bread
Nicote: Er Trägt Ein Schönes Kleid
Nicote: Die Kleine Schlange Mäandert...
Nicote: Ready To Go
Nicote: Coati
Nicote: Curious
Nicote: Ohne Titel