Pirus: "Fantasma"
barbaracoccigatti55: Come un presepe. Apricale, Imperia.
Lord-AF: Emie - intense
stefano.chiarato: Dopo la pioggia (parte seconda)
blavandmaster: Instant gratification
Ankh61: Tower
lulu ag: Jour naissant sur le Canigou.
J&S.: Matin d'automne...
Nicholas_83: Pink cloud
J&S.: Premier mai...
Nicholas_83: Sky and fields
ruud's fotoposts: tapset met boren. (wire drill with drilling.)
ruud's fotoposts: strand van Egmond aan zee.
tlsfabrice7224: _MG_1688
tlsfabrice7224: IMG_1044
tlsfabrice7224: IMG_0878
tlsfabrice7224: _MG_1702
Antonella Foti: To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Revelation 21:6. Bible
Antonella Foti: Castel Sant'Angelo - Rome
Antonella Foti: Portrait in Rome
michaelward_autoitalia: Padova 2016_119
michaelward_autoitalia: Padova 2016_219
michaelward_autoitalia: Padova 2016_218
Arcieri Saverio: Little brat
soomness: Space Shuttle Discovery
salam.jana: #panaorma #shot