MLE Bess Photography: If I'm laden, at all I'm laden, with sadness That everyone's heart Isn't filled with the gladness Of love for one another
ForgottenMelodies: baignoire sur palier
scrappy nw: Lister Drive Library
potosi6088m: the last experiment
Camera_Shy.: Old abandoned theatre
Sam Tait: 190E The point of no return Chanonry Point 15 March 2019 00262.jpg
fatwax4: Mary Allen School
ForgottenMelodies: nature is back
Jonnie Lynn Lace: The Romanian Bastille
Camera_Shy.: broken bed 1962 Ford Fairlane 500
Der Hamlet: follow me
Camera_Shy.: Mission Control
Camera_Shy.: Strange School
Sam Tait: Ratcliffe On Soar
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Chiesa di Stripes
potosi6088m: Mittagstalk im Ferienheim
Der Hamlet: Maison Limmi
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Chestnut Manor
Nicole Staniewski (wandelwelten-photografie): In the dark, it can be well rumored