nickstone333: 3 CE tickets
nickstone333: Adult Saturday CE ticket
nickstone333: Well, Vader's shrunk a bit
nickstone333: Open the blast doors
nickstone333: Set for stun
nickstone333: They finally caught me
nickstone333: A sign of things to come
nickstone333: The force is strong with this one
nickstone333: I have a prisoner
nickstone333: The best bounty hunter in the galaxy
nickstone333: The first, unaltered, clone of Jango
nickstone333: I didn't think the Troopers were that bad
nickstone333: Now that's a lot of people
nickstone333: Women and children first
nickstone333: None of them were too short
nickstone333: Do or do not, there is no try
nickstone333: daa daaa, da da da daaa daa
nickstone333: that's why you pre-order
nickstone333: Don't fire up yet
nickstone333: That stabaliser's broken loose again
nickstone333: Nice sign
nickstone333: Just to get the point accross
nickstone333: Get a hair cut
nickstone333: That's not standard uniform soldier
nickstone333: The eyes have it
nickstone333: I drove my tractor through your starship last night
nickstone333: Look, we don't smell *that* bad
nickstone333: Would that affect Vader?
nickstone333: We always saw the parallels
nickstone333: Please eat it, the icing is melting