nickstone333: IT meets Star Wars
nickstone333: A Psychologists dream
nickstone333: The left brain
nickstone333: And the right
nickstone333: I can just see him in the TIE now
nickstone333: uhhh, little help?
nickstone333: It makes a good point
nickstone333: But if it was, it would be Empire at War
nickstone333: Look out behind you
nickstone333: I hope that was a dead missile
nickstone333: Anakin has two sides
nickstone333: Very detailed this one
nickstone333: In the time of greatest despair
nickstone333: If there's a bright centre to the planet, you're on the helmet that it's farthest from
nickstone333: Hug a hoodie
nickstone333: The empire's new flag
nickstone333: are they Prowse's eyes
nickstone333: Plushie Vader \o/
nickstone333: OK, another haircut
nickstone333: Absolutely riveting
nickstone333: Hoist the Jolly Vader
nickstone333: He serves two masters
nickstone333: Green cross code man/machine
nickstone333: That's a lot of sticking
nickstone333: I think he's hypnotising me
nickstone333: He's got a bit scared
nickstone333: that's either a small dog or a big helmet
nickstone333: Bullets incase of laser malfunction
nickstone333: You rebel scum
nickstone333: The Force is strong in this one