textual refuse: nightscape
jovike: Art yuppies
Mechatronics Guy: nyan cat 2
textual refuse: follow the white rabbit down dalston lane
bp555: Milan 2010
Reissued: Fler SC55 armchair
flipsockgrrl: Mitzi
textual refuse: firth furnishings
textual refuse: returned services
textual refuse: pizza joint
textual refuse: passage verdeau
textual refuse: love barometer
love mom: le chien français
love mom: kirstin and parr
designwallah: Uncovered vintage poster in Métro Saint-Sulpice
designwallah: Enfermée dans une publicité
designwallah: Le THON c'est bon
designwallah: Paris, Mai 2008 - J4: Old posters temporarily revealed (Métro George V)
designwallah: blanc-rouge-noir 2
textual refuse: prophylactic
leontjew: horns
textual refuse: chinese boxes
textual refuse: quizzical
Dan Conway: 2008_01_03 Roundabout Photoshoot no.1 - EAST IMG_3080
Dan Conway: 2008_02_02 Roundabout Photo Shoot no. 2 - WEST IMG_3510
Rollatron: Rollatron took a picture of Experiment St