NickJonesMedia: 3 hours of co-presented radio and I didn’t have to use this once.
NickJonesMedia: Went for a healthy Sunday walk across some muddy muddy fields in our village.
NickJonesMedia: ‘Am I a cute fox?’ asked Harriet. ‘Yes Harriet, a very cute fox’ replied Dad. ‘RRAAAHHHH!!!’ replied Harriet.
NickJonesMedia: Off to find a Roman Circus.
NickJonesMedia: My congratulations to whoever made this for one of the meeting rooms at work. Well done.
NickJonesMedia: 9th January. Hattie left a tiny Elsa in my jacket pocket so we had a day of mixing Radio 4 programmes. Then we had a 3 hour commute home.
NickJonesMedia: Lovely bit of @summitbrewcoffee’s finest this morning, courtesy of my secret Santa, who is still a mystery to me!
NickJonesMedia: 8th January. Nice sun on the school commute, continued to be bright and sunny on the work commute.
NickJonesMedia: 7th January. A bit of firmware fiddling, some teeny tiny soldering and luck and I managed to make the switch automation work exactly as planned!
NickJonesMedia: 6th January. Went to see Mary Poppins Returns. It was wonderful.
NickJonesMedia: 100% can recommend.
NickJonesMedia: 5th January. It’s alive! This is a WiFi switch that I’ve flashed with custom firmware to talk to my smarthome server. Next I need to configure the MQTT broker and setup some automations.
NickJonesMedia: 4th January. High-tech labelling system for just some of the guests on Outside Source.
NickJonesMedia: 3rd January. There used to be a statue of a man on a horse on this. It was made of soap and slowly dissolved, collapsing until it was removed for being unsafe for the public.
NickJonesMedia: 2nd January. Packed up and drove (almost) all the way home. Got dropped off at the station and went I to work for a late shift. Train delays both ways.
NickJonesMedia: If you go ice skating it’s 100% worth getting the sledges to ‘help the kids skating’.
NickJonesMedia: People kept wanting to join us for drinks, so Edward made his best sign yet!
NickJonesMedia: 1st January. Family ice skating in the morning then the afternoon at Brown’s bar eating lunch and having fun.
NickJonesMedia: Learning the ropes from mama, ready for a summer job at @thewayoutback
NickJonesMedia: Holiday time begins! Roadtripped to Bournemouth, checked in, saw the family then had a wander through the winter gardens Christmas display. Had to go on the big wheel of course!
NickJonesMedia: Merry Christmas folks.
NickJonesMedia: Fuck showers. Fucking fuck them all. And silicone sealant. That can fuck off too.
NickJonesMedia: The ghost of trains to come.
NickJonesMedia: Giving the Darkwoods Columbian a go for the week.
NickJonesMedia: Proper cold in football land this morning.
NickJonesMedia: Found Andy’s time travelling clock at the NHM. Ed asked at the information desk if Andy was at work, but apparently it was his day off.
NickJonesMedia: Went in to the NHM to warm up and check out the whale. It’s very impressive to walk underneath.
NickJonesMedia: After recovering from skating with a drink the kids took a spin around the carousel.
NickJonesMedia: He’s like Christopher Dean, but with a penguin!
NickJonesMedia: After a Lebanese lunch sat outside and a quick trip around the volcanos and earthquakes exhibit it was time for ice skating in the NHM gardens.