nickjeffery: 2015-12-24_04-47-01
nickjeffery: Not a bad thing to look at on the way home from the pub. #helloreykjavik
nickjeffery: Ezra Street
nickjeffery: Pershore Abbey
nickjeffery: Pershore Abbey
nickjeffery: Pershore Abbey
nickjeffery: Looking south
nickjeffery: River Avon, Evesham
nickjeffery: River Avon, Evesham
nickjeffery: Evesham Rowing Club
nickjeffery: River Avon, Evesham
nickjeffery: Three matrices!
nickjeffery: Camden Town Brewery Underground-themed pub at Designjunction
nickjeffery: Dispatching Times
nickjeffery: From the shops!
nickjeffery: Olympic stadium
nickjeffery: New accommodation
nickjeffery: The bridge to nowhere
nickjeffery: Passing Clouds
nickjeffery: Dalston East Curve Garden
nickjeffery: Pinsent Masons
nickjeffery: South
nickjeffery: East
nickjeffery: 30 Crown Place
nickjeffery: A&O atrium
nickjeffery: A&O atrium
nickjeffery: Looking south
nickjeffery: Brick Lane
nickjeffery: Brick Lane from A&O's 10th floor
nickjeffery: Tenth floor at A&O