Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Fether Estates - Ryme Rental Available
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: My Guy And I
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Lonesome Sin
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Sinful Mind
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Piney Hedgehogs at Color Me Cute event now
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Rainbow Snugs
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Soulsexual ●
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Tell me the dirtiest things
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Baby Blue ♥
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Vail Family
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Pretty for the Mr.
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: The Fanciest Place To Work In Secondlife
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Key To My Heart 🔐
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Into the morning...
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: PawTopia NOW OPEN
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Hummingbird & Butterfly
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Queen Kitten ♥
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Let it all go..
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: We loved like an electric chair hooked up to a power plant plugged into the sun.. {More Often Than Sometimes}
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: You can Never... Ever
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: All the leaves..
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Infinitely Together ♥
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: My Soul Is Your Soul...
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: My Safe Place
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Saturday Here I come
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: My lil red fox getting her bubble bath...ok she is my Yorkie but I can pretend ♡
Nicki Sapphire-Vail: Let Me Sparkle Your Spackle