breezysound: Y0273242
Raviede: F1020019
Raviede: F1080009
Image Magician: 20160225-20160225-08 TX 105
riverliu: F2183-20160820南投埔里_琉璃蛺蝶
kenzoooo: 昀軒BW-5
Fucchon: smile
zen düğünü: i pensieri
u2penguin: つるま自然の森 雪解け
AJEPhotography: Old Tree
Diego Fattori: Prime File
@Gking_photo: The three witches
Wunkai: 來~幫你照一張~
t26001: Haiti01
TPPA: 2007台灣的眼睛--一般新聞類入選作品
TSAI,HSIEN-KOU 蔡顯國: 淍零的老兵 the dwindling war veteran
photoxgo: Nightfall......I'd lost time beside the Pacific Ocean
Lao Wu Zei: Underwater Photos - Jellyfish Lake, Palau
Marco Figueroa: Portrait.
Hugo Provoste: ME + portrait + captured by my sister + 2