riendefotograaf: Black and white and grey.
Ian Spoard: The Jogger
Ian Spoard: Going Underground
Ian Spoard: Fun Day Out.
foucault.roger: Blue dream
monorail-germany: --city inside--
Frieda Spirit: Women of Steel
rainerralph: SKYLINE PLAZA
d0gwalker: Mason's Avenue
d0gwalker: Castle Court
d0gwalker: passing through
Jessica 'I Like Toast': oh I don't know...
Mattiii photo: Shadow Stairs
Holger Glaab: Intermezzo CCLXXXIII
SammCox: Lamp
riendefotograaf: Trees impression.
vbernamont: L'autre pays du fromage
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Sunset - Gravel Hill
Isabella A: Vertical suctions
Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Lines of Light - Pimilco
柄松 稔 Minoru Karamatsu: white heron at night
Scotty7949e: Tree Swallow
Yelena Petrovic: The thorns of happiness {explored}
fumiふみ***: how to spend the holidays
dr_marvel: In the office of the Mayor of Buffalo