Guide Dogs for the Blind: Debra Zito, Rich_R
tonx: devin
minjungkim: Min Jung & Jason's Wedding Day
Lan Bui: Veronica Belmont 8214
Lan Bui: Veronica Belmont 9094-1
dfarber: Steve Jobs and the iPhone
jordanangle: Jake and Dad
Scott Beale: millionth user + birthday bash
Yahoo Inc: Charlie's Angels didn't have that kind of hardware
caterina: Stewart is Bad
jkottke: Sausage shaped like a beer bottle
dfarber: Niall of Microsoft
davemc500hats: NextNet25 166
Scott Beale: TagCamp (Saturday)
Scott Beale: Spark Shooter!
davemc500hats: Sergey sez: Don't be Gevil
Peter Kaminski: At The Top
Rich Gibson: Ruby on Rael
Nikita Kashner: Technorati Tummy
@glenda: Name That Cleavage - #1