nhelke: Lake Geneva
nhelke: demo09 021
nhelke: demo09 017
nhelke: demo09 004
nhelke: Backstage
nhelke: The bus to New York
nhelke: Building with Helicopter
nhelke: Even more woot battery
nhelke: New Battery
nhelke: Clutch now included in Transmission
nhelke: Is Facebook trying to replace Twitter?
nhelke: iPhone Carrier Settings
nhelke: Fêtes de Genève – Grand feux d'artifice
nhelke: After the flight, in AMS
nhelke: At the beginning of the flight
nhelke: KLM SFO–AMS
nhelke: Half Moon Bay
nhelke: Double Laptop
nhelke: iTunes iPhone icons – it's all in the details
nhelke: My Google Badge
nhelke: Sam, Mike and Lego
nhelke: The Googleplex
nhelke: Sam and Mike
nhelke: Mike and Laurence
nhelke: The biggest can I have ever seen
nhelke: Bay Bridge
nhelke: China Town
nhelke: SF
nhelke: An authentic American Diner in Palo Alto, CA