gue-gue: Proserpine - Zerynthia rumina
Kei Kei Law: 小豹律蛺蝶 Lexias pardalis (Common Archduke)
4000000 views!: Butterfly 2240
d_taron: Common Grass Yellow
Johan Bolhuis: Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Kei Kei Law: 銀鏈嬈灰蝶 Arhopala pseudocentaurus (Centaur Oak Blue)
SHAN DUTTA: The beauty of orange tip!!
east med wanderer: Burnet Moths and Small Copper, Northern Ireland
cjk49: Brimstone - male on Bluebell.
lgmedia04: Papillon exotique-1-2
Butterflies in Still Air: Eurema albula (White Yellow) (B00391, PE00114 A)
danniepolley: Hanoi, Vietnam
Aves Lux: Brimstone on Bluebell
Patrick Verhaeghe: Parthenos sylvia lilacinus - Blue Clipper (UK)
Patrick Verhaeghe: Hypna clytemnestra - Marbled Leafwing or Silver-studded Leafwing (UK)
Vince_Adam Photography: Oriental purple owl-moth (Erebus albicinctus)
Luís Gaifém: Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775)
cullerfuls: Theona Checkerspot
Frank Thomas Sautter: Mylon maimon
Frank Thomas Sautter: Chalodeta theodora
Patrick Verhaeghe: Morpho peleides - Morpho bleu (FR) - Blue Morpho (UK) - Blauer Morphofalter (DE) - Azúrlepke (HU)
renzocampostano: Colias crocea
RogerioPCRodrigues: Rallus aquaticus | Water Rail | Frango-d'água
boblecram: Mésange huppée (Lophophanes cristatus)
Betty Vlasiu: Pink Lotus Flower
Rodrigo Conte: Phyllotropis fasciata