Navajo Country
♔ Georgie R:
Lunch 76:366 (8:2632)
Hobart. The Tasmanian Museum. Elizabeth Fry British reformer taught convict women sewing. One group sewed the Rajah quilt on voyage to Van Diemens Land 1841. Painting detail of three of the women on the ship Rajah..
Short Eared Owl Flight
David Swindler (
Earth People
Carol Kagan:
Ephrata Cloister
nolty planner how I use - 3
Kevin Stohlgren:
Northeastern beach tiger beetle (Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis)
Kevin Stohlgren:
Northeastern beach tiger beetle (Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis)
Kevin Stohlgren:
Northeastern beach tiger beetle (Habroscelimorpha dorsalis dorsalis)
Kevin Stohlgren:
Bronzed Tiger Beetle (Cicindela repanda repanda)
Jenny Thynne:
Wandering ringtail - Austrolestes leda
♔ Georgie R:
Ink 3*365 (5*1464)
♔ Georgie R:
A padlocked gate 4~365 (4~1100)
Farang foto:
A crab spider
♔ Georgie R:
26-365 (Year 2) Reading
♔ Georgie R:
pocket filofax - pangrams
argodwipangga~Slow Respond:
Semboro village scenery
argodwipangga~Slow Respond:
North Jakarta over view in the night
這次出行算是我第一次同人出行 出門前一日去商場購物 下樓 在扶梯上 我說「其實還有些緊張」 旅伴是相識三年的朋友 不算太長也不算太短 彼此都是寬容又幽默的人 從未吵過架 旅行裡有些矛盾也互退一步就完了 但還是有些不好 特別是朋友不拍照 所以目前的情況是她總是走在前面 我在後面邊拍照邊趕上她 已經開玩笑說「到拉薩後放我一天出去拍照」 然後也回憶起從前的單獨旅行的經歷 記得在東南亞 白人們都喜歡hiking 每到一個城市報各種hiking項目 我則是城市裡亂逛 反正沒興趣 有次和一個白人說 某個教堂太美 白人