philippe.soriano: A Red-tailed Hawk, or an Angel of Death
philippe.soriano: A close encounter with an elegant Northern Pintail (f) (in Explore)
philippe.soriano: A Wood Duck drake, on the art of reflecting the morning light…
philippe.soriano: A Cooper’s Hawk, showing off its plumage
philippe.soriano: Bringing the holiday cheer, as only a Great Blue Heron could do… (read on; in Explore)
philippe.soriano: A staring contest with a Rusty Blackbird
philippe.soriano: The uncommon intensity of a Common Grackle
philippe.soriano: A Hooded Merganser drake, impeccably coiffed…
philippe.soriano: The iconic winter photo: a Northern Cardinal (f) in the snow (see adjacent post)
philippe.soriano: The iconic winter photo: a Northern Cardinal (m) in snow (see adjacent post)
philippe.soriano: In praise of sparrows: a plump Fox Sparrow (red)
philippe.soriano: Why Wood Duck hens are more gorgeous
philippe.soriano: Der Hochzeitmarsch, in the manner of two Hooded Merganser drakes
philippe.soriano: A White-breasted Nuthatch, about to move on…
philippe.soriano: A Tufted Titmouse, among fall foliage
philippe.soriano: A Hooded Merganser hen, on the art of sparkling (look closely)
philippe.soriano: A Wood Duck drake, casting his glance on me
philippe.soriano: A Gadwall drake, and the distinguished drop
Scott Sessions: A Short-eared owl passing through the grasslands late in the day.
philippe.soriano: A Green-winged Teal drake, and a furtive glance
Scott Sessions: Female peregrine falcon enjoying the fresh, fall air and a stomach full of northern flicker.
philippe.soriano: A Green Heron, small but intense
AMelck: DSC_2741 Least Bittern - Bombay Hook
AMelck: DSC_2840 Least Bittern
AMelck: DSC_3450 Young Tri-colored Heron
AMelck: DSC_4194 Just left the nest Green Heron
philippe.soriano: Une Ouette d’Égypte / An Egyptian Goose, keeping up appearances…
lindapp57: Red-headed Woodpecker
lindapp57: Red-headed Woodpecker
philippe.soriano: Une oie à double barre / A Bar-headed Goose